Pendlare i Öresundsregionen

In a time where we become more urbanized and lead a more sedentary lifestyles is it important to increase the knowledge, availability and opportunity to be more Physical active (Cavill et al., 2006). Focusing on a smaller target group such as commuters shows us more specific health related problems, e.g. that commuting is stressful and has a negative effect on health. It also shows us specific opportunities, and for that sake barriers. To better understand what needs the target group has. What barriers that exist to become more active, and what effects a sedentary lifestyle will have on the life-quality for the target group has a need assessment been done with help of the PRECEDE-model. This assignment is focusing on four different intervention areas, i.e. 1. Chose active transportations, 2. Increase leisure time physical activity, 3. Increase physical activity on worksite, 4. Increase active resting when commuting. Each of these areas has possible beneficial effect on health, and at the same different barriers for implementation.
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